Are you ready for the B1 exam?
Prepare yourself perfectly with the online practice exams for speaking, listening, writing and reading.
The perfect preparation
The State Exam I of DUO
Practice with exams similar to those of the official State Exam I of DUO. Make sure you are perfectly prepared for your B1 exam:
- Writing skills
- Fluency
- Reading skills
- Listening skills
Exclusive offer
State exam I (B1) complete

The state exam I exam package contains all modules of the B1 exams of DUO. The questions in the exams are very similar to the questions you receive during the real DUO exam. All exams are online and you get immediate access after purchase. The tests for reading comprehension and listening comprehension are checked automatically and you will receive an immediate result. The tests for speaking and writing skills are checked by certified NT2 teachers and you will receive the results by e-mail within 48 hours. It is possible to receive a certificate of one or more modules if passed.
The costs for the complete State Exam I package are EUR 149. Would you prefer a price per exam? Look here for the price of individual exam components
Direct Toegang
After purchasing the Staatsexamen I package, you will have direct online access to the practice exams reading, listening, speaking, writing.
Our exams are made by certified NT2 teachers. Thanks to their many years of experience as certified NT2 teachers, they have been able to develop practice exams that are very similar to the real State exams of DUO.
30 dagen toegang
No time to take all exams at once? No problem. After purchase you have access to the online material for 30 days.
Ruim 6 uur oefenmateriaal
Reading comprehension: 40 questions
Writing skills: 16 writing assignments
Speaking skills: 22 questions
Listening comprehension: 40 listening questions
Give your results more value! It is possible to receive a certificate for the successful components. You can use this certificate as proof of your language level. Handy for registering at a school, for your employer or for in a list in your bedroom.
Success rate
Users of our online tests have a pass rate of 96%!
Many users at home and abroad preceded you and were successful thanks to the online practice exams
Exam materials
This package includes more than 6 hours of online practice material. Enough to be fully prepared for the real DUO State Exam
"With the help of the online exams of Nederlands de Baas I was able to prepare for the B1 exams perfectly. I passed all 4 modules speaking, listening, reading, writing in one go. I certainly would recommend preparing with these online exams as they are almost the same as the ones from DUO "
– Fatma Günes – Amsterdam (Turkey)
Payment options
Payment options
The exams can be paid in various ways. Contact us for payments via the DUO loan.



The perfect preparation for the exam
The perfect preparation for the exam
Buy the practice exam of Nederlands de Baas here and pass the official integration or state exam I and II.