“Will you sort the CBL crates in the next block? And take the roll container to the packaging department?” Language in the workplace is a completely different language than that used in the integration course. To make this transition easier, we offer language and culture support in the early days of the first job. We look at the new words that are used in the workplace and what knowledge of the rules of conduct are necessary to function properly. We bring the existing rules back to A2 level and can ensure that communication between employer, colleagues and new employee is really understood in order to avoid misunderstandings.
What we offer
A starter package for the status holder to successfully start and stay for you:
- A glossary with photos and used instructions adapted to your workplace.
- A summary of the most important parts of your collective labor agreement in easy Dutch (A2 level) and possibly a translation of this in the native language of the relevant beneficiaries.
- An overview of the most important rules of conduct in the workplace that can be taken for granted for native Dutch people but not for immigrants, in easy Dutch (A2 level) and possibly translated.
- Brief guide to adapting language use and cultural difference for colleagues in the workplace. This includes the person who trains the new colleagues and gives instructions.
After the start-up, weekly return moments in which developments and possible problems are discussed with the employee and possibly colleagues and employer.