“Nederlands de Baas” offers you complete course packages to prepare you for your integration exam, your state exam, your work or your personal objective. We have a variety of language education from special literacy courses to flexible courses for State Exam I and II.

But it is more than just learning the language. It is an introduction to Dutch culture and society. The lessons are not limited to the walls of the classroom. We experience the language in practice, in real situations. A language and a culture cannot be learned from books. We are convinced of that!

Every student of Dutch boss can borrow a laptop during his or her course. The groups are small (maximum 10 people), you can start within 2 weeks and the contracts can be canceled per month without giving any reason.

See our offer below. Are you missing something? please contact us via Whatsapp , e-mail or phone .

Intensive summer course in Dutch

Start August 3, 2020, five days a week for four weeks, Levels B1 and B2

To register