learning Dutch
Dutch is spoken by approximately 25 million people worldwide. Mainly by people who of course live in the Netherlands themselves, but also in Belgium, Suriname and the Caribbean islands Dutch is spoken. In addition, not everyone who lives in the Netherlands has Dutch as their native language. Many people living in the Netherlands have Dutch as a second language. We have an abbreviation for that: NT2.</p>
<p>People can have different reasons for learning the language. Are you just over the border from Germany to study here? Have you found work in the Netherlands? Have you found a partner and have you chosen the Netherlands as a country to try it together? Or were you looking for a safe haven and ended up in the Netherlands?</p>
<p>Now you can imagine that learning Dutch for a young student from Germany is a slightly different story than for a person over 60 from Syria. Learning Dutch for people who speak German or English or a Scandinavian language is a lot easier. After all, these languages are related. Suppose you grew up with a completely different script. Then it all takes just a little longer.
Civic integration exam
What most people who learn Dutch have in common is the integration exam.</p>
<p>Once you have refugee status, the Dutch government will give you three years and ten thousand euros to borrow to pass your integration exams. Today, this consists of six parts. You complete five of these exams (reading, listening, speaking, writing and KNM) by taking central exams. You round off the Orientation on the Dutch Labor Market (ONA) component by making a portfolio and possibly taking a short oral exam about it. Read more about these exams in our courses.<br>
Nederlands de Baas provides complete integration programs in which we guide you from start to finish. You can also take lessons for individual parts. We offer separate routes for the ONA component.<br>
Are you coming to the Netherlands for love? Then you have to take an entrance exam in advance. It will be checked whether you can already read Dutch, speak a little and whether you already know something about Dutch culture. You usually take these exams at the embassy of your country of origin. We also call this the pre-integration or basic integration exam.
Nederlands de Baas
Nederlands de Baas provides complete integration programs in which we guide you from start to finish. You can also take lessons for individual parts. We offer separate routes for the ONA component.<br>
Are you coming to the Netherlands for love? Then you have to take an entrance exam in advance. It will be checked whether you can already read Dutch, speak a little and whether you already know something about Dutch culture. You usually take these exams at the embassy of your country of origin. We also call this the pre-integration or basic integration exam.<br>
Nederlands de Baas offers special courses of approximately 5 lessons, depending on your level. Because you are not physically in the Netherlands yet (mentally perhaps already), we give these lessons online. We will prepare you for the exam and once in the Netherlands you can start your language course well prepared.<br>
Have you been living in the Netherlands for a while, have you perhaps been integrated for a long time, but would you like to learn to speak Dutch better? Or do you want to learn to read and write better? Then you can also contact Nederlands de Baas.<br>
We even offer free lessons for all residents of the municipality of Gennep and Nieuw-Bergen who would like to increase their language level.
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In short, we can offer a place to anyone who wants to learn Dutch, for whatever reason and with whatever background. We look at your current level and at your desired level and together we decide the best way to achieve your goal.</p>
<p>Together with our team of professional NT2 teachers, we ensure that you too can become Dutch the Boss. *</p>
<p>* Being or becoming something or someone “de Baas” is a Dutch expression. It means that you have what you are in control of. You kind of entered into a struggle with it and you eventually overpowered it.